67. darius anderson, intervien: money to get elected to national office? if you're a democrat, you need to head for the hills--beverly hills. a miner's map, for the liberal gold rush," atlantic monthly, september 2004; john r. emshuls compete to raise cash for democratic candidates. out against hillary clinton. but he and bill clinton had a rocky friendship," lat, march 4, 2007; james rainey, "2 southland billionaires make case to buy tribune; eli broad, ron burkle meet offer by the times' founding fly," l at, january 21, 2007; ben casselman and christina s. n. leust 24, 2007.
68. john m. broder and patrick healy, "hoo!d, "enmeshed in scandal; billionaire ron burkle claims to escheht but finds himself the center of attention," san francisco chronicle, may 2, 2006.