第四章 尚未为黄金期准备好(25)
60. james ylisela jr., "under the radar: 'radar is a ress,' says yusef jackson. 'i think our editorial voice,'" chicago magazine, july 2007; john kass, "if you ask obama, then ask all of them," ct, march 4, 2007; robert sam anson, "bill and his shadoe, april 16, 2001; phil rosenthal, "yusef jackson lands on media map ress,' says yusef jackson. 'i think our editorial voice,'" chicago magazine, july 2007; keith kelly, "neazine hits ne, "radar returns for a third try in the buzz business blog and big backers help give latest launch shot at success; editor is still a favorite target," , march 18, 2007.
63. irena medavoy, intervie screen test: hillary is not david geffen's dreamgid," nyt, february 21, 2007.
66. jennifer steinhauer and david m. halbfinger, "et tu, david? a lucrative friendship sours," nyt, february 23, 2007.