第二章 最好的房子(25)
2001年6月,克林顿被邀请参加一个生日宴会,这个宴会是朱安妮塔·乔丹当时的丈夫为她举办的,地点是迈克尔在芝加哥的一个餐厅里。 影评人罗格·艾伯特也在那里。“迈克尔·乔丹在一个房间里,当比尔·克林顿走进这个房间,重心转移了,我注意到周围所有女人,起初她们都在看迈克尔,现在她们则把目光转向克林顿。” (克林顿和迈克尔·乔丹曾在森林湖地区的康威农场高尔夫俱乐部一起打过高尔夫球,这里离橄榄球队芝加哥熊队的训练基地很近。)
注 释
1. john f. harris and bill miller, "in a deal, clinton avoids indictment; president admits false testimony," uration; excerpt from clinton radio address. follo are excerpts from president clinton's radio address yesterday, his last as president, as released by the uration: the departure; gore takes a last boer, "the inauguration: the speech; in his address, bush lingers on a promise to care," nyt, january 21,200i.